Monday, July 2, 2012

Hey Everybody!  Welcome to my album cover blog.  Sometimes I'll find an album cover online and the only good looking version is in a low resolution.  I can sometimes find a high resolution version, but it usually will have noticeable wear to it, or the colors will be off.  So, that's when I bring it into Photoshop, with my skills as a graphic designer, I'm able to restore the album covers to what they looked like originally.  This is what this blog is for, as a resource to other people.  To save other people the trouble of doing this themselves, i'll be sharing all of these restored album covers on my blog here, in the hopes that when other people look for them, Google Images might show them my high quality version.  I won't be writing much about the covers themselves, but I might make a comment or two about the methods I used to restore them.

Anyway, enjoy, and have fun making your music libraries look slick & sleek.

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